20/20 Vintage is a collection of strange, exotic, and exceptional things that you won’t find in just any store. So, we created a brand image you won’t see for just any business. We wanted the brand identity to capture the quirkiness, yet timeless quality of the items found in the store. The custom illustrations are an ensemble of unique objects and creatures that become works of art themselves.
Showing the 20/20 Vintage logo
Showing the 20/20 Vintage logo.
Showing the color palate for 20/20 Vintage.
Showing the storefront of 20/20 Vintage.
Showing a tuba, bike gears, a purse and some mannequin legs arranged together.
Showing an illustration of an antique camera.
Showing an illustration of a goose holding a purse in its mouth.
Showing an illustration of an antique bike, mounted deer head, ships sails, a bluejay, and an umbrella all arranged around the bike.