You have a dentist for teeth. A doctor for what ails you. And a vet for furry friends. Different specialists to cover different needs. So, wouldn’t breaking up tasks amongst several specialists make just as much sense for your marketing? Surprisingly, no. Over nearly five decades at MDR, we’ve seen…
A common challenge for mid-to-small businesses is how to best extend your marketing budget. You know you need help, but the thought of hiring a marketing agency can seem daunting, expensive, or even unnecessary—especially in a time where do-it-yourself websites and social advertising are widely available. Marketing, as you’re probably…
While no one was really prepared for a 100-year winter storm to hit Texas, we were positioned to act quickly. See How We Provided Crisis Support For NEC Co-Op Energy In February 2021. MDR and NEC Co-op Energy are both local Corpus Christi companies affected by the winter storm. During…